What's behind the name?

For years I worked in both hospitality and corporate sales positions and branding had always been drummed into me. Cam it's about creating a brand an image that has purpose and meaning, it needs to be bold and have people thinking 'What's behind the name'.......

Taking the previous 12 years of my working career on board I had an opportunity to do what I enjoy most, helping people achieve results.  Results...not just six packs and big guns but getting people over fears both mental and physical.  Hearing and seeing client's at 65 years old jumping on a trampoline with their grand daughter for the 1st time and watching an 80 year old lady move freely and fill everyday with excitement and LIFE.  That's RESULTS, that's the meaning of 4EVERfitness.

The purpose of this blog is to introduce you to how I came up with the name 4EVERfitness and show you there is more to a healthy and fitness business than what the scales read.

Coming up with the name was easy but complicated at the same time.  I tossed up multiple names but what I kept coming back to was my meaning of healthy and fitness 4EVER.  Making health and fitness apart of your life is what we are trying to accomplish when working with clients.

With so many health and fitness professional now in the market, we understand how hard it can be to decide what path you will take.  Building trust, building a relationship and ultimately having someone take your investment seriously can be really hard to find.

Spending the past two years completing a Diploma in Remedial Massage, travelling to New York City in Feb 2015 for a certification in DVRT Ultimate Sandbag training and then being invited back to Arizona in October 2015 to become a Master Instructor shows how committed I am to investing in clients health and fitness.

Having said this.... why wait get in contact with us today and take the leap towards improving your health and fitness.

Yours in health and fitness

Cam Ward

Health and Fitness Director 4EVERfitness www.4everfitness.com.au